sábado, 20 de enero de 2007

The Sad Happiness

A complex entity is the union of many different simple things, which are joined to make the perfect structure to work completely fitted. A human being is the perfect example of what a complex is, because it is a set of emotions followed by material things and sensitive situations that gives strength to it and also a psychological stability. Happiness is also another complex entity that makes as its factors your temperament, your history, your culture, your environment, way of thinking and a couple of objects like for example the weather. For other kinds of people, like me, happiness is not complex; it’s just as simple as a smile and saying “God bless you.”

There are many materialists who find happiness in luxuries like buying many expensive cars or houses, or having the cutting edge technology. Material wealth has a quality of warranty limit, which means that it has to disappear. If the entity that makes you happy flies away, the wind will carry your happiness away to the sky, and it’s very unlikely hat it’s going to come back. It’s like if I love my new MP3 player very much and I let it fall in a water bucket: “Damn, there’s go my happiness!” Material things are useful and important in people’s lives, but it’s not everything like in the quoted case. How can I find my reason for existing in something that is less long-lived than me, and worse than this, how can I find my happiness in something that can’t even talk?

Other kinds of people find happiness by, for example, having sex. They have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 orgasms, but what then? There’s going to be an orgasm that will hurt you, and the others will gradually hurt you more and more. And then, you don’t want more sex for a couple of days; you don’t have the sensations that make you feel great, because those things that once helped you overcome are making you fall. Worse than this is when you get old and your genitals don’t work the same; so, are you going to commit a suicide because you can’t have anymore sex? But this is not only about sex; what about food? You eat so much – because it’s the only thing you love in this world- that you go to sleep and never get up because of a heart attack. And what about those kinds of people who have to be in extremely dangerous situations to feel okay, but at 15,000 feet the parachute doesn’t open: “Damn!” The Swedish philosopher Jostein Gaarden in his book The Solitaire Mystery said, “How stupid is the human being! Always trying to go very high into space, very deep into the sea, but never stopping his trip near a like in a mountain surrounded by some flowers, to admire some of the deepest thins of life.”
There are people who think that they are happy being rational. They have everything calculated and don’t do anything spontaneously. They don’t smile, don’t live their life, don’t spend their time on stupid things, don’t waste their time talking muck with anyone, and don’t laugh for any reason. They are always closed into their rational world and never go out to play in the free environment, and see the sunlight. They are losing the privilege of smiling and feeling how the breeze can caress them. Staying with a grimace of boredom they are condemned to see people like me, pretending to feel superior and getting more and more angry when I do my silly things just because I want a taste of life.

Once there was a man who was dreaming that under the bridge there was a treasure. Suddenly, the man got up and went with a shovel to dig a hole under the bridge. While the man was digging the hole, a policeman was walking around this area. The policeman asked the man what he was doing, and the man told him the story. The policeman told the man that this was a curious situation, because he had had the same dream, but in the policeman’s dream the guy found his treasure under his kitchen. The man went to his kitchen and dug another hole and he found the treasure. People usually look for happiness in the wrong place. You are happy because God lets you be happy, not because you find happiness somewhere, in something, or someone.

Nueva York, Mártes 17 de Octubre, 2007

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